Magic Microdosing
When it comes, depression haunts our inner halls like a parasitic phantom, absorbing light and energy, dimming joy from the world and devouring hope. For some, these hauntings begin in childhood. For others, later in life. Whatever the case, the healing journey can be revelatory.
The link between entheogens (psychoactive plants) and spiritual repair is ancient. However, it was rediscovered and popularised by Gordon R Wasson – his 1957 travelogue Seeking the Magic Mushroom appeared in Life magazine, breaking new ground for the modern psychedelic adventure.
By the late sixties, psychedelics had been employed in healing settings with surprising success. The public view of these efforts centred around Timothy Leary, whose antics brought the scientific exploration of psychedelics to an unfortunate halt until the ‘90s.
Privately guided ‘journeys,’ however, never stopped: an underground of therapists chaperoning clients as they mined deep within themselves for the gems that could heal their fractured hearts and minds.
You don’t have to ‘trip’ to experience this healing. Sub-perceptual doses of psilocybin create measurable alleviation of anxiety or depression and can even boost creativity. Scientific trials continue.
In May this year, I began this regimen:
0.08g of powdered psilocybin, taken on alternate days. I journalled my experiences for 120 days, scoring myself out of 10 in the following areas (adding notes where necessary): Purpose/motivation; physical; energy; happy/sad; calm/anxious; connection/centre; clarity; outlook; wellness and self-view.
I then journalled, in exactly the same manner, for three months without microdosing. The simplest way to describe the difference is that, whilst taking psilocybin, my energy – and capacity for joy – was far greater. Having never taken anti-depressants, I’m unable to make a comparison in that regard. My healing process continues, though – without pharmaceuticals.
These humble little mushrooms are our friends.
How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan
Food of the Gods by Terrence McKenna
A Brief History of Microdosing Research
The People’s Health Alliance - For The People, by The People (
José Lacey